Wellness Healthy Nutrition Chiropractor

Wellness Services

We offer a number of wellness services to support your overall health. We believe your body’s optimal performance starts with an aligned spine, but we are all wonderfully made, and with nutrition, supplements, exercise, and stress management, we can help your body perform the way you were created to perform.

Chiropractic Adjustment Spinal Adjustment Wellness Services

Holistic Approach

Spinal and chiropractic adjustment is only one aspect of your health. We work with our patients on all aspects of your wellness.

Wellness Services Nutrition Counseling Heathy Recipes

Nutrition Counseling

Wellness involves healthy recipes, good hydration, and exercise. We can help relieve not only your back or joint pain, but inflammation as well.

Chiropractor Near Me Lansing Chiropractor Wellness

“Divinely” Simplified

We offer online scheduling, easy communications via text messages, email, and our interactive website so your path to wellness is as easy as can be.

Health Supplements Nutrition Chiropractor Near Me Lansing Chiropractor


Health begins not only with the food we put in our bodies, but vitamins and supplements to support your body’s optimal performance.

Joint Pain Chiropractor Near Me Neck Pain Chiropractic Treatment


We offer products such as pillows for optimal alignment while you sleep, braces to protect and heal injuries, and other items to support your whole body.


We believe wellness begins with an aligned spine, but strength, flexibility, and exercise maximized for your body and needs are just as important.